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Best picture I ever took, by far |
Abbey had some health issues, mostly jaundice, but she seems to be all better now. Tara's health has been of greater concern, with pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure that seem to have brought on a weird kind of vertigo and disturbed vision. The vision problem seems to be her only issue now, but she won't be able to drive a car until it gets better.
That's about all that's going on right now. We finally sold an album, so we are $7.50 richer after ReverbNation took their cut. The kid who bought it is actually listening to it as I write this, and I hope he feels he got his money's worth.
I've confessed to a few people that I'm already having to deal with some anger issues in relation to screaming babies. I was difficult to live with, myself, starting about the sixth hour of Tara's 22-hour labor, and I didn't really get my attitude back into shape until a week ago. That first week was super tough, but I've dealt with myself and with the Lord, and, with the help of my incredible wife, I'm ready to be the father I've always dreamt I could be.
Today's Scripture
Romans 4:9-25 (NKJV)
Key verses: (20-22) "He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. And therefore 'it was accounted to him for righteousness.'"
I had forgotten that Paul spends this whole section explaining what Genesis 15:6 means when it says that God accounted Abraham's belief to him for righteousness. I'm so glad he did. He explained it for all those new Jewish believers who were brought up believing that their circumcision as God's chosen people, Israel, was what made them right with God, along with all the animal sacrifices required by Jewish law. But this explanation also helps me, as a Gentile believer in the 21st century, to understand what Jesus did and that His sacrifice allows me to be saved by faith.
The key verses above describe Abraham's faith in detail so we can understand just what it was and why it meant so much. First, Paul says Abraham "did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief" when God promised him a son and that he would be the father of many nations. He chose to believe even though what was promised seemed absolutely impossible.
Paul then says Abraham "was strengthened in faith". The way this is worded, in English anyway, sounds like the strength Abraham found to believe in God didn't come entirely from himself. God made Abraham's faith strong. I imagine that God found in Abraham a believing heart and decided to make this man's faith even stronger. "For whoever has," said our Lord Jesus, "to him more will be given, and he will have abundance" (Matthew 13:12).
Next Paul says that Abraham gave glory to God as he believed in Him. If you have ever had an experience in which you have believed in God and put your faith in Him, you probably know what it means to make God's glory a part of your belief in Him. Even when God doesn't answer my prayers the way I want Him to, I know that I must give Him glory, not because He demands it but because He deserves it. I know He wants the best for me and that He knows what that is much better than I do, just as I know what is good for my babies better than they do (ahem--diaper changes). Therefore I give glory to my Father in heaven as I believe in Him for every good thing.
Finally, Paul says that Abraham was "fully convinced" that God was able to do what He had promised. This goes beyond just believing--it's knowing. Do I have this kind of faith when I ask the Lord for the things I need? Do I know without doubt that He will provide for me because He loves me and is able to do absolutely anything that is required?
Let's sum up Paul's explanation of Abraham's faith.
- He did not waver at God's promise through unbelief.
- He was strengthened in faith with a strength that came from the Lord.
- He gave glory to God as he believed.
- He was fully convinced that God was able to do what He'd promised.
I was hoping to make some fun acronym out of that, but there doesn't seem to be one. I think the point is obvious, though--this describes the true kind of faith that God credits to us as righteousness. It's not how many projects we do in His name that saves us, or even how many people we talk to about the Lord, though these things are important as His children and representatives in the world. And we know that He doesn't put our deeds on a balance and weigh the good against the bad, as many today still believe.
It's an unwavering, God-strengthened, glorifying, fully convinced belief in God's promises that makes us righteous in His sight. And because His greatest promise is that the blood of His Son, shed on the cross, cleanses all our sin (1 John 1:7), it's our belief and hope in that promise that makes us worthy to stand in His presence (Hebrews 6:19) and be called sons of God (Galatians 3:26). Amen!
Final Thoughts
I'm so happy to finally be a "New Dad". I knew what kind of challenges were in store for us in theory, but the realities are shocking and, at times, absolutely overwhelming. But so are the rewards. We are so grateful for all the prayers, gifts, and acts of service we have humbly received from our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and more. Thank goodness for us everyone loves babies! Now we just have to do an incredible job raising them and we'll be all set.
there will be many more tough times ahead but step away and take a deep breath for a moment because ultimately every moment is a joy and a blessing. The girls will amaze you in so many ways and you'll find a new kind of love that you never thought you could ever have for a single being. You have many wonderful endeavors to come! you'll be surprised how the littlest things can brighten your day. congrats on your little wonders...They're beautiful and you have a wonderful wife too.
Thanks, Becka. I'm finding everything you said to be completely true, more every day. And as for the "wonderful wife" part--don't I know it!!
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